domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010


Name of building

Name of the architect
Not known.

Material and techniques
The triclinium offers a mural and a roof of the fourth style. The floor is made with a central emblem of tiles and colours.

On the walls skirting was used the without basebbards imitating blue-grey and white granite; was alternated panels (they appear animated reasons) and interpanels (fluted Corinthian columns and based on black background) and framed by bands of color; finishes off stucco cornice and simple woldings.

Museo Provincial Zaragoza.

6,60 m. x 5,50 m. x 3,50 m.
Historical context of the building
It was made in the century I d.C. in the period of greatest esplandor where homes were more pleasant and this is an example of them.

Been restored ? When?
It was rebuilt in 2000 from remains found of some preces of the courtyard made in mid-century I d.C.

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