The ark ferrata is a large wooden cabinet that the author is unknown, all that is known is that was performed in century I b.C an was found in Tarazona. Now on display at the Provincial Museum of Zaragoza.
Its shape is prismatic, with four legs with dimensions of 0,95 x 0,89 m. This is covered on its front plate, crustrae, bronze and iron spiked whole the box is made of wood and decorated the front through records based on bronze plaques, and fixtures of the same material in high relief, of various deiteis.The central plates boast three figures of Apolo (with laurel branch in left), Abundance (with cornucapia and patera) and Mercury (cape, petas and bag).
Usually these chests were used to store valuables, clothes, money, etc. and even the treasures of the temples. I was posting them to frequent the housing wall to prevent theft there of.
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